Surfcamp Fuerteventura

Partner camp

Fuerteventura, also called the Hawaii of Europe among surfers, is our “all year” destination and our hot recommendation – especially for the cold season!

Short Facts



Open all year



double / twin rooms
Shared rooms


surf courses:

Beginner to advanced

Without surf course:
Surf Taxi



Breakfast + packed lunch
6 days / week
(except apartments)
evening self catering
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hard rock island


Fuerteventura got its nickname “Hard Rock Island” from the black lava rocks that make up the island and many of the reefs at the famous surf spots. Geographically, Fuerteventura , as the easternmost island of the archipelago, is located about 100 kilometers off the African coast in the Atlantic Ocean, pretty much at the level of the Sahara.

Here, even in the cold season, the thermometer almost never falls below 20 degrees and the island can boast an incredible 3000 hours of sunshine a year.

corralejo - waikiki beach

The Camp

The well-known town of Corralejo is located on the northern tip of the island and is the epicenter of Fuerteventura’s surf scene. This location is the perfect starting point for surfing activities of any skill level and offers various surf spots in the immediate vicinity.

Our surf camp Fuerteventura is located in an absolute “prime location” directly at the so-called “Waikiki Beach”. Three steps from the front door the sand begins and to surf the spot in front of the house we just have to walk across the beach.

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22.01. until 12.03. 2023

Winter Surf Special

The legendary Surf Safari with the coaches from our surf camp in Portugal!

In winter we change our home base for two months and move to the sunny island of Fuerteventura to offer you the finest surf guiding. While the rest of Europe lies under a gray cloud cover, we will ride with you from spot to spot in summer temperatures and surf in crystal clear water.


Double & Twin Rooms

@the Beach

Dorm Rooms

@the Beach

Apartment - Bahia

@the beach

Apartment - Vista Sol

@the Hill

Apartment - Ineika

@the Harbour



The north of the island is our territory. With its variety of surf spots from mellow beach breaks to shallow reefs, it is the absolute first choice in the Canary Islands.

Surf Packages



Step Up & Intermediate

LEVEL 2 + 3

Surf Taxi


Packages & Prices

surf & sleep packages

Our Surf & Sleep Packages combine your preferred accommodation with the surf package of your choice.

Packages & Prices

Surf & Sleep Packages - Surfcamp Fuerteventura

Double room


with surf course:

€ 499,- / 1 week

€ 939,- / 2 weeks

with Surf Taxi:

€ 439,- / 1 week

€ 699,- / 2 weeks

5-bed room


with surf course:

€ 459,- / 1 week

€ 869,- / 2 weeks

with Surf Taxi:

€ 409,- / 1 week

€ 659,- / 2 weeks

Bahia Apartment


with surf course:

€ 699,- / 1 week

€ 1.239,- / 2 weeks

with Surf Taxi:

€ 589,- / 1 week

€ 999,- / 2 weeks

Vista Sol Apartment


with surf course:

€ 529,- / 1 week

€ 989,- / 2 weeks

with Surf Taxi:

€ 459,- / 1 week

€ 699,- / 2 weeks

Ineika Apartment


with surf course:

€ 529,- / 1 week

€ 989,- / 2 weeks

with Surf Taxi:

€ 459,- / 1 week

€ 699,- / 2 weeks

Surf & Sleep Packages with

Surf course

1 week

2 weeks

double / twin rooms

€ 499,-

€ 939,-

Room for 5

€ 459,-

€ 869,-


€ 699,-

€ 1.239,-

Vista Sol

€ 519,-

€ 989,-


€ 519,-

€ 989,-

Surf & Sleep Packages with

Surf Taxi

1 week

2 weeks

double / twin rooms

€ 440,-

€ 770,-

Room for 5

€ 360,-

€ 660,-


€ 440,-

€ 770,-

Vista Sol

€ 520,-

€ 950,-


€ 520,-

€ 950,-

Check Availability & Booking

step 1: check availability - step 2: booking

Send us your non-binding request and we will check if your desired period is available at Surfcamp Fuerteventura. After that you can proceed with your booking.


things to do

Camp & Surroundings

From the airport to the surf camp


frequently asked questions

Getting there

You fly to the airport “Puerto del Rosario” on Fuerteventura (FUE). The driving time to the surf camp is about 40 minutes.

Unfortunately, due to local transportation laws, we cannot offer airport pickups. Alle Möglichkeiten für die Anreise findest du hier >

No! The arrival and departure days are freely selectable.

Yes, please always let us know your arrival time in advance! We optimise the cleaning schedule according to the indicated times so that you have the shortest possible waiting time.

You can check in at any time. Depending on the announced arrival time we will inform you if someone will welcome you personally or if you can check in yourself.

Check out from the accommodation is at 10:00. If you want to leave later, you are welcome to stay longer at the camp and use all the infrastructure.

If you plan to explore the island on your own besides the surf course, a rental car is certainly a good consideration.

Of course, it makes the most sense to pick up the car right at the airport. Then you don’t have to organize the transfer to the camp and the return to the airport separately.


The majority of our guests are between 25 and 35 years old.

Yes, many! The percentage of guests travelling alone is probably higher than you think! So you’ll quickly find a connection even without a travel partner.

In principle, you book a spot for one person in your package, i.e. a bed in your chosen room category and not the whole room.

There is of course also the possibility to book a double room for exclusive single use for an additional charge.

Of course! You are not going camping, so you don’t need to think about bringing bed linen and towels. Everything is provided and we change your towel in the middle of the week

As the towels are for bathroom use only, please bring your own beach towel. If it won´t fit in the suitcase, we can also help you out. Just let us know when you check in!

Yes, please! If you need a hair dryer, we would ask you to bring your own.

Unfortunately no! We love animals but due to government regulations we cannot accommodate your pet.

Yes! We have a good internet connection and you should have wifi reception throughout the site.


Yes, you can and you should! Our Level 1 (Beginner) surf course is designed for beginners and no surfing experience is required.

Absolutely! Depending on where you are with your skills, you will find Level 2 (Step Up) or Level 3 (Intermediate) courses just right to develop your surfing from your current level upwards. Our coaches are always by your side.

The surf courses run 6 days per week (Mon-Sat). Sunday is for relaxing and for arrival and departure.

A course day lasts about 3-4 hours and also includes the trip to the course beach, the warm up and short theoretical sessions. The net time in the water is about 1.5 – 2 hours.

Sure! All surf equipment is included in all surf course levels. You just need to bring your own swimsuit / bikini.

If you are not participating in the surf course, you can also rent equipment separately.

We do not hand out surf equipment to beginners outside of the course times! This is for your own safety, as beginners do not have the necessary experience to properly assess certain risks in the ocean.

Advanced surfers can also use the rental equipment outside of the course times by arrangement if the surf instructor deems the prevailing conditions to be safe.

Yes, we love surfing with kids! We coach children from the age of 12 and also have the appropriate material for this at the camp.

We teach in German and English, as well as Spanish if required.

All our surf instructors have completed their training programme with the surf association and are trained lifeguards, whose content they refresh every 2 years in a course.

A instructor teaches up to 6 surfing students in his group.

Canary Islands

Surfcamp Fuerteventura

Calle Bahia 2

35660 Corralejo



Latitude: 28.733041

Longitude: -13.866341

Check Availability & Booking

step 1: check availability - step 2: booking

Send us your non-binding request and we will check if your desired period is available at Surfcamp Fuerteventura. After that you can proceed with your booking.

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Double & Twin Rooms

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Dorm Rooms

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Apartment - Bahia

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Apartment - Vista Sol

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Apartment - Ineika

Surfkurs - Level 1

Im Beginner-Surfkurs (L1 – Anfänger) werden wir dich mit viel Praxis Schritt für Schritt an das Surfen einer Welle heranführen. Der Kurs gliedert sich in sinnvolle Lernschritte und baut individuell auf deine Fähigkeiten auf. Zusätzlich wirst du mit allen wichtigen Basics der Surftheorie vertraut gemacht.

Surfkurs - Level 2 & 3

Im Step Up Kurs (L2) schließen wir direkt an die Inhalte und Fortschritte des Beginner-Kurses an und helfen dir dabei die gelernten Bewegungsabläufe zu automatisieren und schneller umzusetzen. Im L3-Modul geht es darum, deine Skills durch individuelles Coaching in kleinen Gruppen zu verdichten und deine Wellenausbeute zu erhöhen.

Surf Taxi

Das Surf Taxi ist für all jene gedacht, die bereits ausreichend Erfahrung im Wellenreiten haben und im Wasser komplett eigenständig sind. Das Surf Taxi bringt dich und dein Board gemeinsam mit der Kursgruppe an den Spot des Tages. Nach einer Erklärung des Spots machst du dein eigenes Ding…

Surf & Sleep Packages mit


1 Woche

2 Wochen

2er Zimmer

€ 499,-

€ 939,-

5er Zimmer

€ 459,-

€ 869,-


€ 699,-

€ 1.239,-

Vista Sol

€ 519,-

€ 989,-


€ 519,-

€ 989,-

Surf & Sleep Packages mit

Surf Taxi

1 Woche

2 Wochen

2er Zimmer

€ 439,-

€ 699,-

5er Zimmer

€ 409,-

€ 659,-


€ 589,-

€ 999,-

Vista Sol

€ 459,-

€ 699,-


€ 459,-

€ 699,-

Termin Check



Check Availability


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Double & Twin Rooms

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Dorm Rooms

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Apartment - Bahia

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Apartment - Vista Sol

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Apartment - Ineika

Surf course - Level 1

In the Beginner Surf Course (L1 – Beginner), we will gradually introduce you to riding a wave with plenty of practical experience. The course is structured into logical learning steps and tailored to your individual abilities. Additionally, you will become familiar with all the essential basics of surf theory.

Surf Course - Level 2 & 3

In the Step Up Course (L2), we build directly upon the content and progress of the Beginner Course, assisting you in automating the learned movements and executing them more swiftly. In the L3 module, the focus is on intensifying your skills through individual coaching in small groups and increasing your wave count.

Surf Taxi

The Surf Taxi is designed for those who already have enough experience in surfing and are completely independent in the water. The Surf Taxi will take you and your board together with the course group to the spot of the day. After an explanation of the spot, do your own thing….

Surf & Sleep Packages with

Surf course

1 week

2 weeks

Double room

€ 499,-

€ 939,-

Dorm room

€ 459,-

€ 869,-


€ 699,-

€ 1.239,-

Vista Sol

€ 519,-

€ 989,-


€ 519,-

€ 989,-

Surf & Sleep Packages with

Surf Taxi

1 week

2 weeks

Double room

€ 439,-

€ 699,-

Dorm room

€ 409,-

€ 659,-


€ 589,-

€ 999,-

Vista Sol

€ 459,-

€ 699,-


€ 459,-

€ 699,-

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